Press Releases

GA Telesis Flight Solutions Group Receives Chinese CAMAC Certificate of Civil Aircraft Parts Distributor / GA Telesis 获得CAMAC颁发的航材分销商证书
Author: gatelesis
March 24, 2021 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida – GA Telesis, LLC (“GAT”) announces it has been granted a Certificate of Civil Aircraft Parts Distributor from the Civil Aviation Maintenance Association of China (“CAMAC”). This marks GA Telesis as the first foreign entity to receive the highly coveted CAMAC certification, allowing GAT to sell and lease civil aviation parts, both new and used, in China.
2021年3月24日-佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡–GA Telesis有限责任公司(“GAT”)宣布获得中国民用航空维修协会(“CAMAC”)颁发的航材分销商证书。意味着GA Telesis成为第一个获得备受期待的CAMAC证书的中国境外公司,让GAT能够在中国销售和租赁航材,包括新件和使用过的件。
This certificate’s award is a testament to the strong, long-term relationship GA Telesis’ Flight Solutions Group (“FSG”) has built with Chinese customers, CAMAC, and the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the CAAC. In addition to providing high-quality aircraft parts in the region, GAT offers a wide range of services, including engine overhaul, component repair and overhaul, aircraft and engine leasing, asset management, and teardown management to support its growing network of customers in China.
该证书的授予证明了GA Telesis公司的飞行保障方案部门(FSG)与中国客户,中国民用航空协会,以及中国民用航空局(CAAC)建立了牢固的长期合作关系。除了在中国提供高质量的飞机航材保障外,GAT还提供更广泛的服务,包括发动机大修、周转件修理和大修、飞机和发动机租赁、资产管理和飞机发动机拆解管理,以支持其在中国不断扩大的客户网络。
“We are honored to receive such a prestigious certification and value the cooperation between GAT and CAMAC to achieve this endorsement, particularly during the challenging times of the COVID pandemic,” said FSG President Jason Reed. “This certification is a reflection of GA Telesis’ new Asia Pacific Ecosystem, ensuring we are ready to provide the support expected by our customers,” added Reed.
“我们很荣幸获得如此享有盛誉的认证,并且非常珍视GAT和CAMAC之间的合作,特别是在这个新冠肺炎大流行的挑战时期,”FSG主席杰森·里德(Jason Reed)表示。里德(Reed)补充道:“这个证书反映了GA Telesis全新的亚太航空生态系统布局,确保我们已经准备好为客户提供所有期望的支持。”
About GA Telesis
GA Telesis, a global leader in aerospace solutions, is renowned for its unmatched excellence in aftermarket services and lifecycle management. The GA Telesis Ecosystem™ is a vast global network spanning 54 locations in 30 countries on six continents. The company’s integrated solutions include parts and distribution services, logistics solutions, inventory management, leasing and financing, engine overhaul, and MRO services.
GA Telesis is committed to sustainability through innovative sustainability initiatives and advanced technologies, including digital transformation, and using advanced materials. The company’s aerospace systems and connected aircraft technologies drive efficiency and performance, while its MRO network and 24/7 AOG support provide unparalleled reliability.
For further information, please contact Rylan France at
关于GA Telesis
GA Telesis是领先全球的航空业综合性服务公司。公司通过GA Telesis Ecosystem™ 为客户量身定制创新解决方案而在六大洲享有独特地位。 GA Telesis Ecosystem™包括航空资产租赁/融资,航材解决方案,部附件修理,起落架修理,复合材料修理,发动机修理,以及数字化解决方案在内的全球运营组成,GA Telesis Ecosystem™为航空公司提供了无与伦比的服务。公司的核心业务是在卓越的行业经验和诚信基础上,确保客户的成功。