
Redefining Commercial Aircraft “Mid-Life” Assets: Emphasizing Maturity and Proven Value By Marc Cho

Redefining Commercial Aircraft “Mid-Life” Assets: Emphasizing Maturity and Proven Value By Marc Cho

In the fast-paced and dynamic world of commercial aviation investment and finance, the terminology used to describe an asset class or segment can have meaningful implications. One commonly used term, “mid-life aircraft,” often carries connotations that fail to accurately reflect the value, performance, and economic potential of these assets versus some undefined age metric, typically an asset over 12 years of age. It’s time for the industry to shift its narrative and recognize these assets… Read more

Conquering Self-Doubt: It’s Not About Surviving – It’s About Thriving By Abdol Moabery

Conquering Self-Doubt: It’s Not About Surviving – It’s About Thriving By Abdol Moabery

Throughout my career, I’ve faced plenty of high-pressure situations—making life-altering decisions, leading complex negotiations, and even serving in the military. But the moment I felt the most nervous might surprise you. It wasn’t during a significant business deal or a critical decision like quitting my job to start GA Telesis just a year after getting married and a month after my son was born. I was most nervous when I gave a commencement speech at… Read more

The Distinct Paths of Business Owners and Entrepreneurs: A Deep Dive into the Curse of a Mind That Never Shuts Off – By Abdol Moabery

The Distinct Paths of Business Owners and Entrepreneurs: A Deep Dive into the Curse of a Mind That Never Shuts Off – By Abdol Moabery

I am constantly asked about my view on entrepreneurship.  So, I think it is important to make an important distinction first. In the world of commerce, the terms “business owner” and “entrepreneur” are often used interchangeably, yet they represent distinct mindsets and approaches to creating and sustaining ventures. Understanding these differences can illuminate the unique challenges each faces, particularly the entrepreneur’s relentless pursuit of continuous innovation, improvement, and expansion. The Business Owner: A Steady Hand… Read more

Coast 2 Coast – Across Ireland on 2 Wheels / By Justin Lambourne

Coast 2 Coast – Across Ireland on 2 Wheels / By Justin Lambourne

I have always enjoyed cycling, its sense of nostalgia takes me back to being a child roaming the streets on my BMX during the endlessly rainy school holidays (I grew up in the UK, remember). Its shared history with aviation inspires me, the Wright Brothers were bike mechanics that learnt to fly (one of the Wright Brothers innovations – the left-handed pedal thread, is still used on almost all bikes today). In the golden ages… Read more

Blockchain is Not a Vaccine by Jason Bennick

Blockchain is Not a Vaccine by Jason Bennick

Technology purists today will argue the actual validity for a need, or practical use of, decentralized ledger technology.   In this argument, the purist might also typically assert with snub-nosed confidence that (relatively) everything a blockchain does can be solved with routine development and automation in the cloud.  Fortunately for all of us, this is not the case.  This is why it is important to understand blockchain’s value to business before diving into the hype.    This means having a few… Read more

AI and Blockchain, what’s the hype, and why use them together? by Darryl Marraj

AI and Blockchain, what’s the hype, and why use them together? by Darryl Marraj

Today, no matter what industry you serve, you are probably aware of two buzz-worthy terms: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. As an executive or IT professional, you may be wondering how I can get past the hype and leverage these technologies to create value in my organization? What is AI? Artificial Intelligence or AI simply refers to a machine mirroring human behavior. This behavior can generally be classified to have a narrow or general focus.… Read more

Team Resiliency During the Global Pandemic By Geraldo Abreu

Team Resiliency During the Global Pandemic By Geraldo Abreu

In February 2020, when COVID-19 became a global issue, #GA Telesis’s leadership team did not panic.  The Company has been serving customers successfully for more than eighteen years and has seen several disruptive cycles in the aviation industry.  As a resilient team, this unique experience positioned the team to quickly mobilize and provide the necessary support to our employees while not losing sight of our customers’ needs that were carrying much-needed supplies of medical equipment… Read more

Blockchain is No Longer a Buzzword By Jason Bennick

Blockchain is No Longer a Buzzword By Jason Bennick

The argument that blockchain is just a buzz-worthy fad is no longer a battle cry by its loudest critics. As we roll into 2021 from an ongoing pandemic, it’s pretty easy to find many Fortune 500 companies and household name businesses putting blockchain to good use. Many have already deployed solutions they’re using to make a measurable difference in how they do business, bringing us as consumers a better experience. To understand the use of… Read more

Inventory Leasing – Replace Inventory on Balance Sheet with Cash / by Kevin Geissler

Inventory Leasing – Replace Inventory on Balance Sheet with Cash / by Kevin Geissler

One hundred ninety-eight times around the earth is a long way.  IATA estimates airlines’ cash burn during the 2nd Quarter of 2020 at $51 billion, which, if broken down to US $100 bills taped together end to end, wraps around the earth one hundred ninety-eight times.  As revenue uncontrollably plummeted, many airlines and supporting businesses have taken to harsh cost-cutting measures, including layoffs and furloughs of hundreds of thousands of highly talented employees.  Even through… Read more

Team and Attitude at MRO Services / by Agustin Garcia

Team and Attitude at MRO Services / by Agustin Garcia

As we navigate these difficult times, GA Telesis MRO Services has maintained 100% of its highly talented, reliable and dedicated team to provide its customers with award-winning Quality, Performance and Customer Service. What’s the secret? Company Culture. Company Culture starts with Team Attitude, from the top to every Manager, Supervisor, Lead, and Technician. At GA Telesis, we focus not only on having highly skilled team members but also on those who possess the team’s values,… Read more