GA Telesis

The Value of Lean by Ben Macre

The Value of Lean by Ben Macre

To ensure our customers’ success, GA Telesis strives to offer the best value in engine and airframe component repair across our ecosystem.   One of the strategies we use in the MRO Services division is the implementation of Lean practices. The American Society for Quality (ASQ) defines Lean as a set of management practices to improve efficiency and effectiveness by eliminating waste. The core principle of Lean is to reduce and eliminate non-value-added activities and waste.… Read more

GA Telesis MRO Services Group Announces E-Jet Support and Services Agreement with Liebherr-Aerospace

GA Telesis MRO Services Group Announces E-Jet Support and Services Agreement with Liebherr-Aerospace

July 14, 2020 – Miami, Florida – GA Telesis (the “Company”), the pioneering leader in integrated aviation services, announces its MRO Services Group has entered into an agreement with Liebherr-Aerospace for Material Support and Maintenance Services for the E-Jet Family of aircraft. Under this agreement, the Company receives technical support and original OEM materials to repair and overhaul landing gears for operators in the Americas. Landing gear repairs and overhauls for this aircraft type will… Read more

Aircraft Finance in a Post-Covid World – What Does the Future Hold for Aircraft Leasing & Finance? / by Marc Cho

Aircraft Finance in a Post-Covid World – What Does the Future Hold for Aircraft Leasing & Finance? / by Marc Cho

After several years of substantial and often aggressive capital entering the aircraft finance and leasing market, many wonder what the aircraft finance market will look like in a post-Covid world? The bond market for new aircraft Asset-Backed Securitization (ABS) deals is closed for 2020, and many agree it will be closed for 2021.  To gain some perspective for the size of the vacuum that will create: there have been over 40 commercial aircraft ABS transactions… Read more

GA Telesis Announces the Purchase of One (1) V2527-A5 Engine from Air New Zealand

GA Telesis Announces the Purchase of One (1) V2527-A5 Engine from Air New Zealand

July 8, 2020 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida – GA Telesis, LLC (“GAT”) announces the purchase of a V2527-A5 engine from Air New Zealand. The engine will be immediately inducted for disassembly and adds to an already impressive expansion of product lines within the Component Solutions Group  over the last five years. Upon completion, the used serviceable material (USM) will be repaired and made available to GA Telesis’ airline and MRO customers worldwide.  This engine will… Read more

GA Telesis Engine Services (“GATES”) Announces Opening of a New State-of-the-Art  Aircraft Engine Hospital Shop – SPAH

GA Telesis Engine Services (“GATES”) Announces Opening of a New State-of-the-Art Aircraft Engine Hospital Shop – SPAH

July 1, 2020 – Helsinki, Finland – GA Telesis Engine Services OY (“GATES”), the engine heavy maintenance unit of global aviation integrator GA Telesis, LLC, announces the establishment of its dedicated Aircraft Engine Hospital Shop, focusing on specialized aircraft engine repairs requiring limited or targeted maintenance. The Special Procedures Aero-Engine Hospital (“SPAH”) will be one of the few in the world with integrated test cell facilities capable of testing engines of up to 100,000 lbs… Read more

Employee Empowerment and Involvement / by Kevin Daugherty

Employee Empowerment and Involvement / by Kevin Daugherty

Aviation is one of the most dynamic and fast-paced industries in the world.  Whether it is passengers or cargo, we are tasked to deliver on time, every time.  To achieve these goals and grow into an industry leader, it takes a lot of work, a little luck, and, most importantly, a team that shares and values the company ethos.  When we all strive towards the same goal, we don’t have to push people to succeed;… Read more

GA Telesis Announces the Formation of GA Telesis Rotorcraft  and the Acquisition of Seven Bell 206L4 Helicopters

GA Telesis Announces the Formation of GA Telesis Rotorcraft and the Acquisition of Seven Bell 206L4 Helicopters

June 24, 2020 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida – GA Telesis, LLC (“GAT”) announces the formation of GA Telesis Rotorcraft (“GATR”) to provide lease and finance solutions in the helicopter sector.  GATR closed its first helicopter transaction, a portfolio of Bell helicopters. GAT completed the acquisition of seven Bell 206L4 helicopters, four of which are subject to multi-year leases.  Regarding the other three helicopters, one is available for lease or sale.  A second helicopter will be… Read more

Tarmac Solutions Group – Your Future Tooling and GSE Partner / By Jason Reed

Tarmac Solutions Group – Your Future Tooling and GSE Partner / By Jason Reed

When most people look at aviation, they focus on the plane, the engines, parts, repairs, and overhaul.  But have you ever stopped to look out the window of your flight and notice all the equipment sitting on the tarmac?  Tugs, trucks, baggage carts, baggage loaders, deicing equipment, etc.  And what about all the maintenance performed on the aircraft?  It’s not just wrenches and screwdrivers in the aviation world; it’s a wide variety of bootstraps, jacks,… Read more

GA Telesis Appoints John Wales, Director of APU Product Line

GA Telesis Appoints John Wales, Director of APU Product Line

June 17, 2020 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida – GA Telesis, LLC  (“GAT”) announces the appointment of John Wales as Director of APU Product Line.  John will be responsible for developing and maintaining GA Telesis’ world-class APU portfolio of products. John brings over 20 years of leadership experience to the Company’s Component Solutions Group (“CSG”), which is now part of the Flight Solutions Group family of businesses.  Before joining GA Telesis, John served several years with… Read more

Moving and Shaking the Industry through Engineering / by Fabian Robinson

Moving and Shaking the Industry through Engineering / by Fabian Robinson

As the world continues to reshape itself while combating COVID-19, everyone is looking to distinguish between the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for the solution to recovering our industry after this pandemic. One thing that connects both viewpoints is that everyone is anxious to restore their sense of equilibrium and normalcy; for the GA Telesis family, we believe that the safest, swiftest, and most effortless ways of achieving this is through Engineering. Engineering makes an important… Read more